Subluxation kills. When a spinal bone becomes misaligned it is called subluxation. This causes compression, tension, irritation and damage to the central nervous system. The central nervous system controls every function and healing of the body. When subluxation is interfering with the central nervous system, organs and muscles will malfunction. Symptoms and a diagnosis are sure to follow.
We also offer advanced spinal chiropractic spinal correction in our Coppell and Southlake, Texas offices. This is an intensive corrective care program designed to address more urgent spinal misalignments and optimize spinal health. Patients who have traveled from all over the world for our intensives, have gone home within two weeks with powerful testimonials of their healing. If you are experiencing severe symptoms and facing a diagnosis, it is important that you get to the cause and ensure that your spine is not interfering with your nerve supply and ability to heal. Schedule an appointment with our chiropractor team in Coppell or Southlake, Texas to see if you qualify for our Intensive Spinal Corrective Care program.
You have to lose 40% function before you have your first symptom. So, if you’re suffering from pain, loss of mobility or overall diminishing well-being, you may be subluxated. Take the first step towards better health! Contact us for exceptional chiropractic services in the DFW metro area and experience the transformative benefits of spinal correction.